A Companion Handbook to from "What Happened?" to "What's Happening" Equity in Action through real time monitoring
This handbook summarizes the main findings and takeaways from a review of real time monitoring (RTM) methods and practices as well as an assessment of selected initiatives supported by UNICEF. It is intended to offer practical guidance: to help identify the most appropriate RTM method for a given purpose and in a given context, and to discuss an initial set of proposed guiding principles when considering undertaking a RTM initiative. The main audience is practitioners of RTM, including UNICEF staff involved in applying the Monitoring Results for Equity System (MoRES) approach, as well as partners who are providing support to governments to build or strengthen RTM as part of national data collection and reporting systems. While this handbook presents detailed lessons on the “how to” of implementing RTM, a companion report, From “What Happened?” to “What’s Happening?” Equity in action through real time monitoring, lays out the “investment case” for RTM.