UNHCR is committed to the delivery of quality protection and assistance activities and to the optimal use of limited resources; hence it has developed over the years a range of tools to enhance its programming and accountability. UNHCR has made great efforts in mainstream- ing Standards and Indicators in the context of Results-Based Management within the organization. Most recently, UNHCR has invested the necessary resources in a range of consultations, both at Headquarters and in the Field, to produce this second edition of the “Practical Guide to the Systematic Use of Standards and Indicators in UNHCR Operations”. This Guide not only updates the previous edition and incorporates improvements to the Standards and Indicators Initiative (S&I Initiative) made in 2003 and 2004, but extends further the scope of activities covered.
Even with these improvements, the set of standards and indicators included in this Guide is not exhaustive. Nevertheless, it will provide enhanced quantifiable data for an increased number of situations, illustrating the well-being of the population of concern, and also allow global comparisons between UNHCR operations. Thus, through the use of indicators in this Guide, UNHCR has a monitoring tool covering UNHCR operations worldwide.