Research and Studies

Preparing for Disasters in Global Cities: An International Comparison

Css 2013 3rg report png

This research report aims to illustrate current trends in research and practice concerning the manage- ment of disasters in cities around the world. In the first part of the study, we discuss conceptual trends in disaster research and related disciplines, based on a desktop analysis. Thereafter, in the empirical part of the study, we examine how the practices of disaster management are organized in different cities. For the empirical analysis, semi-structured interviews with city disaster management officials from eight global cities were conducted. City officials from Los Angeles, London, Sydney, Rotterdam, Vienna, Frankfurt, Ham- burg and Singapore were willing to detail how risk assessments are conducted in their cities, how coun- termeasures are organized and in what ways they collaborate with other actors. Moreover, interview- ees gave revealing insights into what changes have taken place in disaster management in recent years, including where they see the top priorities for safe- guarding urban security in the future.

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