Evaluations and Lessons Learned

Progress Evaluation of the UNICEF Education in Emergencies and Post-Crisis Transition Programme: Colombia Case Study

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UNICEF‘s Education in Emergencies and Post-Crisis Transition (EEPCT) Programme began in 2006 as a four year (later extended to five), US$201 million dollar partnership between UNICEF and the Government of the Netherlands. Intended as a strategic intervention in support of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the Education For All movement, the EEPCT programme contributes to these targets by increasing institutional capacity and providing direct programme support. EEPCT currently supports programming in 39 countries, as well as global initiatives such as the Inter-Agency Education Clusters and the Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE).

This case study report examines the implementation of the EEPCT programme in Colombia. The findings also contributed to the Global Progress Evaluation Report, which examines implementation of EEPCT funded programming on a global scale. This evaluation is both a stand-alone case study of UNICEF Colombia‘s EEPCT programme and is part of a larger global evaluation of the EEPCT initiatives developed in 39 countries (including Colombia). Colombia was chosen as a case study for its unique characteristics. It is a middle-income country with a strong democracy yet has the second largest internally displaced population in the world after Sudan.

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