The Progress Evaluation of the UNICEF Education in Emergencies and Post-Crisis Transition Programme is an appraisal of the implementation of UNICEF‘s ?EEPCT: Education in Emergencies and Post-Crisis Transition Programme‘ (EEPCT). Started in 2006, EEPCT is a four-year, $201 million dollar partnership between UNICEF, the Dutch Government and the European Union. EEPCT currently supports programming in 39 countries, as well as global initiatives such as the Inter-Agency Education Clusters and the Inter-Agency Network for Education in Emergencies. The EEPCT programme aims to put education in emergency and post-crisis transition countries on a viable path of sustainable progress towards quality basic education for all‘.
The evaluation was global, reviewing EEPCT implementation in 39 countries. However, it also included six country case studies to support the global analysis. UNICEF Evaluation Office chose Liberia as one of the case studies. This report examines how EEPCT funds have been used within UNICEF‘s programmes in Liberia, and discusses ways forward.