Evaluations and Lessons Learned

Project effectiveness reviews: summary of 2011/12 findings and lessons learned

Twenty-six of Oxfam GB’s projects were randomly selected and evaluated in 2011/12 under six thematic areas – humanitarian support, adaptation and risk reduction, livelihoods, women’s empowerment, citizen voice, and policy influencing. While the sample of projects is too small to make broad generalisations about our overall effectiveness, the results for this particular cohort of projects are mixed. In general, the results for most projects are positive in some areas and negative in others. In addition, there is evidence of significant impact for several of the projects (for example, the Pakistan Disaster Risk Management and Livelihoods Programme and the Indonesian Sustainable Rural Livelihoods Campaign) and no evidence of impact for others (for example, the Mali Cotton Programme and the Northern Karamoja Development Project).

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