Thousands of people are displaced every year, many in the region of South Asia with Bangladesh, Nepal and the Maldives in particular, migrate either within the countries or to neighboring countries to avoid impacts of natural disasters and to find better livelihoods. It is also recognized that even though the countries experiencing quite frequent natural disasters such as floods, glacial lake outburst floods (GLOFs), storm surges, droughts, and cyclones, the government of these countries do not have policy frameworks and interventions that try to minimize the impacts of these hazards in an integrated manner.
The project subject to this evaluation is “Assessing the Climate Change, Environmental Degradation and Migration Nexus in South Asia” funded by the IOM Development Fund (IDF), which was implemented in Bangladesh, Nepal and the Maldives, in close collaboration with the governments, CSOs, academia and development partners in the three countries. The project’s budget was USD300, 000 executed over a period of 27 months from November 2014 to October 2016, with an extension until the end of January 2017.