Research and Studies

Promoting a City without Hunger and Indifference: urban agriculture in Bogotá, Colombia

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This initiative recognises the practices of the residents and encourages growing crops in urban areas as an alternative source of food for self-consumption, in addition to promoting environmental conservation, the strengthening of the social fabric and the appropriation of land through citizen participation.

In general terms, the project’s activities are aimed at: - complementing basic biological research with applied research in an urban context, for the sustainable use of some native plant species with high nutritional value; - carrying out exchanges of agricultural knowledge and know-how using clean technologies in spaces called Educational Nuclei with the communities of the city of Bogotá; - promoting environmental education initiatives to improve awareness and healthy habits and encourage the consumption of food with high nutritional value; - promoting participatory community alliances that can strengthen urban agricultural activities and neighbourhood ties, and thereby contribute to a better quality of life.

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