Guidance and Tools

Protection Mainstreaming Toolkit

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Given the volume and complexity of protection challenges around the world today, humanitarian actors must work together in seeking collective protection outcomes for people affected by crisis. This is achieved by ensuring that protection considerations underpin all humanitarian interventions during all stages of the project cycle; that individual rights are respected as part of programming; and that potential protection risks are identified from the outset and mitigated. As stated by the IASC Policy on Protection in Humanitarian Action (2016), protection is a shared responsibility that is at the forefront of humanitarian action and that requires a system-wide approach to addressing severe and widespread protection risks. With due consideration to mandate and expertise, the Toolkit highlights the role and responsibilities of different stakeholders (Protection Clusters, Clusters, Inter-Cluster Coordination Groups, Humanitarian Country Teams, Donors, National/International Non-Governmental Organisations) with regards to protection mainstreaming thus promoting stronger collaboration among relevant actors across sectors to mitigate threats, reduce vulnerabilities and enhance capacities in humanitarian action. Comprehensive and continuous analysis of risks is the foundation of collective protection outcomes. This analysis provides the evidence-base for programming, advocacy and dialogue for the purpose of influencing and changing behaviours and policies in support of a more favourable protection environment. Protection mainstreaming efforts should therefore be framed on an overarching protection analysis and on sector specific risk analysis thereby ensuring that protection risks and potential violations are taken into consideration and addressed effectively. The Toolkit provides guidance to conduct risk analysis and mitigation as well as to monitor and evaluate the impact of having mainstreamed protection principles in humanitarian strategies and programmes. It also highlights essential elements of principled, accountable and high-quality programming leading to more effective humanitarian action.

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