Research and Studies

Rapid Appraisal in Humanitarian Emergencies Using Participatory Ranking Methodology (PRM)

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Participatory Ranking Methodology (PRM) is a rapid participatory method particularly wellsuited to assessments in humanitarian emergencies. It is a structured means, enabling affected communities and other relevant stakeholders to identify key needs and resources. It is an 'open' method shaped by the way communities themselves express their understanding of the emergency. However, crucially, it produces data in a form that can be promptly collated and analyzed, a key requirement in most emergency assessments. In most cases when PRM is used in emergency assessments it is used alongside other measures such as key informant interviews and desk reviews. This guide summarizes the key steps in conducting an assessment using PRM, including identifying the key framing question to be addressed, selecting participants, running a PRM group session, and collating, analyzing and presenting findings.

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