Guidance and Tools

Rapid Assessment for Markets - Guidelines for an initial emergency market assessment

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In today’s market economies people’s livelihoods depend to a significant extent on markets: farmers sell their produce to consumers, retailers, or wholesalers; crafts- people produce various goods and sell them to consumers, retailers, or wholesalers; workers offer their labour to employers in exchange for money; households buy essential commodities from a range of retailers, and so forth. Markets are the principal means through which billions of people derive income and buy commodities to cover essential needs; they are therefore an essential element of people’s livelihoods. Sudden shocks such as natural disasters and conflict can severely limit the func- tioning of market systems and marketplaces and, consequently, can have a strong negative impact on people’s capacity to access commodities that are essential for their lives and livelihoods. The members of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement work in situations of natural disaster and conflict, providing relief to shock-affected people whose lives or livelihoods are at risk. To be able to assist them efficiently and effectively, members of the movement have to assess the needs of the shock-affected people and decide how these needs are best addressed.

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