Real-time learning report on World Vision's response to the ebola virus in Sierra Leone

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Ebola has been present in Sierra Leone since May 2014. By 28 October 2014--when this real-time learning was carried out--there had been 3,389 confirmed laboratory cases and 1,281 deaths in Sierra Leone. However, the number was believed to be much higher due to a large number of unreported cases. On 17 October 2014, World Vision (WV) scaled up its initial Category II National Emergency Level Response to a Category III National Emergency Level Response. World Vision Sierra Leone is operating its Ebola Response in four districts where WVSL had a presence prior to the Ebola outbreak. This real-time learning process was carried out in order to identify the gaps and needs within World Vision’s current Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) response in Sierra Leone and to inform World Vision on how other surrounding countries (specifically those with national offices such as Mali, Ghana, Niger, Mauritania, Senegal and Chad) should prepare for a possible Ebola outbreak.

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