Guidance and Tools

Recommendations from the Uganda National Consultation on Disaster-Induced Displacement in the Context of the Post-2015 Framework on Disaster Risk Reduction (HFA2) 16TH April 2013, Kampala, Uganda

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A one day National consultation workshop was organised in Uganda on Disaster-induced displacement in the context of Post-HFA, on the 16th April 2013 at the Metropole Hotel in Kampala. The consultation aimed at informing key stakeholders on the global and regional consultation process towards the Post-2015 Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction. 43 participants representing the : Parliamentary Forum on Disaster Reduction and Climate Change; the Office of the Prime Minister, NRC, UN, NGOs, the Civil Society; the Academia; and the Media discussed issues of National Policies on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) and their implications on people affected by displacement. The consultation enabled participants to identify challenges and opportunities for creating the synergy of the policy implementation related to disaster risk reduction and internally displaced people in order to reduce their vulnerabilities to the impact of natural hazards. Participants were also informed on the tools and indicators for IDPs assessment. As an outcome of the discussions, the consultation compiled the below key messages and recommendations on National inputs to the formulation of the post-2015 Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction.

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