Research and Studies

Refugee, Asylum-seeker and Migrant Perceptions in Izmir, Turkey

Ground truth survey report %28izmir 08 2017%29 png

This report analyses information about various aspects of humanitarian assistance gathered from refugees, asylum-seekers, and migrants in Izmir, Turkey between 23 and 27 July 2017. It is the second in a series of data collection rounds by Ground Truth Solutions in Turkey, under the Mixed Migration Platform. The first round looked at refugee, asylum-seeker, and migrant views in Istanbul and Gaziantep/Kilis. Ground Truth Solutions has now delved deeper into the findings and will share the results of its qualitative data collection alongside this report. Interviews for this survey were conducted face-to-face with 521 non-camp refugees, asylum-seekers, and migrants living across four districts in Izmir – Konak, Karabaglar, Bornova and Buca. Respondents from Syrian households were selected using a stratified random sampling methodology. Iraqi, Afghan, Iranian, and Somali respondents were selected through snowball sampling. Data collectors also ensured an appropriate gender balance. Individuals were asked to score each closed question on a scale of 1 to 5. The face-to-face interviews also included several open-ended questions to provide further details about respondents’ perceptions. More background and information on the methodology can be found in the methodology section at the end of this report.

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