Education is one of the highest priorities of refugee communities. Yet there is little evidence of tangible organisational commitment by UNHCR to guaranteeing the right to education for refugee children and young people. The lack of high quality and protective education for refugees stands in the way of meeting Education for All goals, of achieving durable solutions, and of sustainable development and reconstruction of home and host countries. Based on extensive analysis, this review sets out an agenda for change, aimed at promoting high quality and protective education for refugees. The review recommends the following: (1) the integration of refugees into national education systems; (2) provision of education for all refugees up to the end of secondary school; (3) investment in teacher training; (4) development of new standards and indicators for education that measure learning outcomes; (5) recognition of the connections between education and conflict in all education policy making and planning and the reinstitution of peace education as a core component of refugee education; and (6) support for increased and predictable human and financial resources in education.