The World Humanitarian Summit (WHS) Regional Consultation for South and Central Asia was held at the Ismaili Centre Dushanbe in the capital of Tajikistan from 28 to 30 July 2015. It was co-hosted by the Government of Tajikistan and the Aga Khan Development Network, and chaired by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. This was the last of eight regional consultations.
In the spirit of the Summit’s multi-stakeholder approach, the consultation brought together nearly 200 participants from across the 16 countries covered by the regional consultation1 , representing academia, affected communities, civil society organizations, governments, media, national and international non-governmental organizations, Organization of Islamic Cooperation, private sector, International Red Cross / Red Crescent Movement, regional organizations, United Nations (UN) agencies, programmes and funds, youth, and observers from countries that have already hosted or will host World Humanitarian Summit consultations or events. The meeting was preceded by preparatory stakeholder consultations that involved over 7,640 people across the 16 countries. Their views and priorities were presented in the Regional Stakeholder Analysis, which was used as the basis of discussions in Dushanbe.