Regional Refugee and Migrant Response Plan for Europe, January-December 2016 (Revision May 2016)

Humanitarian partners have redefined their engagement from a response primarily targeting people on the move to focusing on a static population in Greece and on protection activities in countries in the Western Balkans, recognizing, however, that a limited number of people will continue to move onward, but in a clandestine manner. There is a risk that these people will increasingly rely on smuggling and trafficking networks, exposing themselves to greater protection risks, which will be even more challenging to address considering the clandestine nature of the movement.

The present revised RMRP outlines this shift in priorities, as well as operational and financial readjustments. It presents a framework that will enable the humanitarian community to adequately respond to the protection needs of refugees and migrants. The main strategic goals as outlined in the RMRP in January 2016 are maintained in this revision of the document. Emphasis is placed on: ensuring consistent border and protection monitoring, especially in light of the increase in clandestine movements; strengthening existing national protection and response mechanisms; and promoting access to fair and efficient status determination procedures, relevant services and assistance.

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