Research and Studies

Regulatory barriers to providing emergency and transitional shelter after disasters - Country case study: Nepal

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This study examines the effectiveness of national legal and regulatory frameworks with regard to emergency and transitional shelter following natural disasters in Nepal. It provides an overview of the relevant laws, policies and procedures that have a bearing on different aspects of emergency and transitional shelter response. It also examines the application of those regulations in practice during previous disaster response opera- tions, or anticipates how they might be applied in such a situation in the future. The findings identify potential regulatory barriers to emergency and transitional response efforts, as well as a range of positive developments and initiatives which can enhance the effectiveness of shelter activities. A number of “suggested ways forward” for strengthening the effectiveness of shelter response are then proposed. The findings of the report are divided into four parts: 1. Disaster response framework and links to emergency and transitional shelter framework 2. Access to shelter assistance 3. Land for emergency and transitional shelter 4. Shelter construction

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