Evaluations and Lessons Learned

Remote Monitoring, Evaluation and Accountability in the Syria Response

Workshop summary

Alnap dec syria workshop summary final png

The DEC together with ALNAP organised a learning event for agency staff working on evaluation, M&E, accountability and learning work related to the ongoing response in Syria. The event took place on 27 June 2014 at the DEC offices in London.

The objectives of the meeting were to:

  • Meet peers and share some of the challenges being faced around working remotely with and through partners, monitoring, evaluation and accountability in the context of the Syria response.
  • Seek advice and share emerging learning on how to manage, monitor, evaluate and carry out assistance work in an accountable manner in conflict and complex settings. Share and discuss insights into partnership approaches and possible monitoring, evaluation and accountability practices and tools that may help address some of the related challenges.
  • Build on and deepen mutual trust and collaborative elements.

This short report summarises the discussion and sets out some simple next steps agreed by the group.

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