Evaluations and Lessons Learned

Report On IOM Development Fund 2019 Ex-Post Evaluations

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The IOM Development Fund has completed a review of all ex-post evaluations (internal and external) of Fund projects that were carried out between 2013 and 20171 and for which evaluation reports were submitted during the 2019 calendar year. The purpose of the review was to collate and analyse the main evaluation findings, identify lessons learned and make recommendations. This report on the review will be shared with project developers, managers, technical specialists and any other relevant stakeholders in order to better equip IOM staff to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of current and future Fund projects. It is intended to promote transparency and accountability, which will in turn facilitate the Fund’s decision-making in respect of future project funding approval. The review is evidence of the IOM Development Fund’s ongoing commitment to results-based management. This report constitutes a brief assessment of 26 ex-post evaluation reports on 28 projects. 2

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