The study Research to Improve the Effectiveness of INGO Activities and Future Humanitarian Coordination in Iraq was undertaken by the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) between January and July 2009, in collaboration with the United Nations Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Action (OCHA) and with funding from the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (NMFA). The objectives of the study were to:
- Provide strategic direction to future humanitarian INGO operations in Iraq; - Support future coordination between humanitarian actors, in Iraq and elsewhere.
The study was undertaken by a team comprised of two international and four Iraqi researchers. Interviews were conducted with 47 Iraqi NGOs (LNGOs) in 13 Governorates, including in the autonomous Kurdish region and in the North, Central and Southern Iraq. Interviews were also conducted with bilateral donors, UN Agencies and international NGOs (INGOs), in Amman, Baghdad and Erbil.