Research and Studies

Resilient Cities: Surviving in a New World

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This report is a product of the ULI Urban Investment Network Partner Forum, “Resilient Cities: Surviving in a Brave New World,” which was convened on 23 September 2010 in Istanbul. Hosted by the Istanbul Metropolitan Municipality, the Partner Forum was an invitation-only event for 50 of Europe’s public and private investment leaders.

The purpose of the event was to provide an open forum for public and private leaders to share perspectives and best practices, explore relevant case studies, and develop solutions for building resilience in European cities. In addition to a series of topical presentations on the key themes, including “Urban Investment in Challenging Times,” “The Private Sector Perspective on Investment in Cities,” “Istanbul’s Demographic Change,” and “The Role of City Infrastructure in Resilient Cities,” there were a series of roundtable discussions during which participants debated and refined a set of Principles of Resilient Cities.

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