Evaluations and Lessons Learned

Results in Fragile and Conflict-Affected States and Situations

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The note is for use by country offices in Fragile and Conflict-Affected States and situations and is intended to bring together relevant materials and share good practice on measuring and managing for results in these contexts. The document is relevant to DFID programming in every sector. It supplements general DFID guidance including on business cases, results, value for money, evaluation and logframes. This is a constantly evolving area and this Note is intended to be living, regularly updated, guidance. This note is a joint product between the Fragile States Team of Policy Division, CHASE, the Improving Aid Impact team of FCPD, RED and the Evaluation Department. It builds on an stock take of DFID practice in six countries which includes further examples and lessons Managing results in conflict-affected and fragile states: A stock-take of lessons, experience and practice

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