Responding to the evolving situation, in line with the Return SOPs endorsed by the Humanitarian Country Team (HCT) in February 2012, and in accordance with the ‘Return Policy Framework for IDP from FATA’, endorsed by the FATA authorities in 2010, the Protection cluster agreed to conduct a series of consultations with families displaced from Orakzai Agency. A return intention survey for the IDP families of Orakzai has been conducted by IVAP, IOM-Comms and EHSAR through their call centers in Peshawar and Bannu in the beginning of April 2016. As of 31 March 2016, the total number of registered IDPs verified by NADRA is 22,498 families. The majority of the families are living in displacement in Kohat (16,193), Hangu (4,322) and Peshawar District (1,893) and originate from three Tehsils in Orakzai: a) Upper Orakzai, b) Central Orakzai, c) Lower Orakzai. A sample size was selected from each Tehsil in proportion to the displaced population data for each Tehsil. A return process of IDPs is a condition in which all individuals displaced from their homes during conflict are assured the option for a voluntary, safe, informed and dignified return to their homes.