The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Jordan has pioneered a collaborative, multi-stakeholder approach to the delivery of cash, known as the Common Cash Facility (CCF). The aim of the CCF is to provide humanitarian actors with direct and equal access to a common financial service provider. UNHCR started the first full scale-use of the CCF in Jordan in 2016. This review was commissioned by UNHCR and the Cash Learning Partnership (CaLP) to examine whether the CCF delivers against its objectives as well as whether the concept of collaboration and open access to a single financial service provider could be applied more broadly to cash-based assistance across different contexts.
This review concluded that the CCF provides a secure, efficient and innovative cash transfer approach that has enabled predictable cash payments at scale to refugees,while accommodating multiple organizations' cash transfer programmes. It has reduced costs and duplication, and has resulted in improved efficiency, accountability and coordination of cash assistance activities. The model can be replicated in various contexts and for other transfer mechanisms.