Research and Studies

Review of Urban Food Security Targeting Methodology and Emergency Triggers: Final Report and Appendices

Urban food security targeting and triggers 2013 07 12 final png

Over the last five decades emergency responses to humanitarian crises have been concentrated on developing rural-based skills and tools. Increasingly large numbers of people live in urban areas in developing countries, and with these increasing population concentrations come higher risks of urban emergencies. It is therefore important to understand the differences between rural and urban Emergency Food Security and Livelihoods (EFSL) programming and to establish adapted assessment methodologies and programme responses for urban areas. This document is aimed at field practitioners to assist in capacity building and guidance during emergency responses in urban areas, focusing on food security, livelihoods, and nutrition. It covers two areas: ? Emergency triggers in urban areas. o Collate (and where necessary further analyse) indicators which have been utilised by Oxfam GB, Concern Worldwide and ACF. o Compile a list of suitable indicators for urban contexts. o Recommend which indicators should form the basis of urban emergency triggers processes. ? Targeting emergency responses in urban areas. o ”Summarise the strengths and weaknesses of three different targeting approaches which are utilised in urban humanitarian responses (community based targeting, proxy means tests, ‘weighted’ indicator methodology) according to the context, resources and capacity, and objective of the intervention.

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