Evaluations and Lessons Learned

Review Report of COAST Trust

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This is the review report of the COAST Trust. The two members team was

commissioned by the Board of Trustee (BoT) of COAST to review the

COAST management and programmes from the last review up to 2009.. The

prime objective of this assessment was to assess the impact of different

development program along with future challenge and opportunities for the

organization that will create a pave of uniqueness in development field.

The transformation of COAST from Action Aid project takes place in January

1998. Since then COAST has been growing not only in size but also in

undertaking innovative programmes for the benefit of the poorest people of

coastal areas as well as policy issues that affect the nation. For the last ten

years , COAST has expended its development initiatives to benefit 100,000

direct beneficiaries of which 90 % are women in 21 upzilas of 6 coastal

districts compared to the beginning of COAST .

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