Evaluations and Lessons Learned

Review Report on Gender and Diversity of Emergency Response by DER Members

Gender diversity sensitivity assessment report %28final draft 12 mar 06%29 png

Disaster risk management practices have evolved from a largely top-down relief and response approach to a more multi-sectoral and holistic risk management approach. In current risk management approaches, there is more room than ever to address the gender and diversity issues in disasters. The study conducted to assist the DER sub group to review and analyze the gender and diversity sensitivity in emergency response; meeting its goal to develop indicator and guideline for gender and diversity sensitivity checklist. The study conducted with six agencies/group i.e., CARE- Bangladesh, Concern World wide Bangladesh, Handicap International, Oxfam GB Bangladesh, ActonAid Bangladesh and Disaster & Emergency Response (DER) Secretariat, including field interventions of Gana Unnayan Kendra (GUK) and Manab Mukti Sangstha (MMS). The review finally developed specific recommendations considering the gaps and potentials of the issues. The review also focused on organizational initiatives and major challenges in order to ensure gender and diversity sensitivity of emergency response.

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