For Red Cross Red Crescent National Societies, fostering community resilience empowers communities to shape their lives and create a safe, healthy and prosperous future. Resilience is not something that can be brought to or built for communities. Strengthening resilience at every level is a participatory journey led by its beneficiaries: it requires a new mind-set that focuses more sharply on accompanying, enabling and connecting communities as they grapple with complex challenges. In these respects, strengthening resilience differs dramatically from the conventional model of humanitarian assistance.
For the IFRC, the concept of community resilience encapsulates all we aim to achieve. Numerous National Societies have sought to strengthen community resilience for many decades, even if their efforts have not been described in those terms.
The IFRC has developed this Road Map to Community Resilience to provide National Societies with step-by-step guidance on how to support communities on their journey.