Research and Studies

RRN Newsletter 1

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The Newsletter contains information of professional interest

to RRN members organised under the six headings Feedback,

News Items, Update, Training Courses, Conferences

and Publications.

We are committed to operating a Network which both

serves and ‘belongs’ to its members. Feedback will therefore

provide RRN members with the opportunity to comment

on the contents of previous mailings and express their

views on the operation and future development of the

Network. For this inaugural mailing, Feedback is devoted

to an explanation of the origins of the RRN, its objectives

and our plans for the future.

News Items provides information on selected topics likely

to be of interest to RRN members and, where appropriate,

relevant addresses. In this issue, the section contains

information on: US NGO experience in relation to war risk

insurance cover; an initiative by the EC Humanitarian

Office (ECHO) to set up a European post-graduate degree

course on International Humanitarian Aid; an initiative

supported by Oxfam and NOVIB to establish a support

network for relief workers returning from conflict-affected

areas; a description of the recently established Refugee

Nutrition Information System operated by the UN ACC/

SCN in conjunction with several international and local

NGOs; and finally, a piece describing the UN International

Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction which is approaching

its half-way point.

Update provides summary information on current and

potential humanitarian emergencies, drawing on a variety of

UN, donor and academic sources. The section is aimed at

RRN members who don’t have access to such sources and

who would like to be kept aware of the status of these areas

and the relief operations being implemented.

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