Articles ....................1
¨ Editorial: .................................. 1
¨ Kosovo: Drawing Lessons from a
Disaster ................................... 3
¨ NATO’s Strategic Concept ........ 5
¨ Current Situation in Kosovo ..... 6
¨ Coordination in Kosovo: the
NGO Challenge ...................... 7
¨ Evaluative Studies of the
International Response to
Kosovo .................................. 10
¨ UNHCR and Evaluation ......... 11
¨ Post-NATO Serbia .................. 11
¨ The Psychological Health of
Relief Workers ....................... 12
News .....................15
¨ EC Push for NGOs to Form
Consortia ............................... 15
¨ DAC Conflict Guidelines ....... 16
¨ Czech Humanitarian Assistance,
1993–1998 ............................ 18
¨ The Limits of Humanitarian Aid
in the Netherlands ................. 19
¨ NEDAD ................................. 19
¨ People in Aid Update ............ 20
¨ Reach Out Initiative .............. 25
¨ Virtual Disaster Library .......... 25
¨ African Universities Initiative .. 26
¨ NGOs and Disaster Prevention 26
Country Updates ...27
¨ Chechnya .............................. 27
¨ Tibet ...................................... 29
¨ Somalia ................................. 30