Research and Studies

Saving Lives Together A Framework for Improving Security Arrangements Among IGOs, NGOs and UN in the Field

0411 iasc 2006 slt a framework for improving security arrangements among igos ngos and un in the field 66th working group meeting png

The Task Force on Collaborative Approaches to Security was established under the auspices of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) in 2004. This report emanates from its Sub-Working Group (SWG), led by InterAction and UNICEF in close liaison with the UN Department of Safety and Security (DSS) and tasked to examine the implementation of the Menu of Options for UN/NGO/IGO Security Collaboration (MoO) which had been approved by the IASC in 2001. The SWG sought to examine the current relevance of the MoO and determine its utility through a survey that was distributed both to IGO/NGO/UN staff by InterAction and to Field Security Coordination Officers (FSCOs) by DSS. Analysis of the findings indicated a significant lack of knowledge of the MoO in the field. There were some examples of implementation, but these appeared to be limited to situations of extreme insecurity and probably resulted out of necessity, as opposed to standard application of the principles. Further, there was no evidence that lessons learned were shared or adopted routinely as good practice. What became clear from the survey, however, was that the recommendations that emerged in 2001 remain as relevant today as they were when first formulated.

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