The Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF) led by UNHCR Jordan, in close collaboration with other UN agencies and partners, established the Sector Gender Focal Points Network (SGFPN) in 2014. The SGFPN is co-chaired by UNHCR and UNICEF and as of May 2017 has 30 members from 22 different organizations. The SGFPN includes at least two gender focal points from each of the eight sectors contributing to the Syria Refugee Response in Jordan and at least one member from each of the sub-sectors. The main objective of the network is to promote gender equality in the different refugee response sectors: basic needs, shelter, health, education, food security, protection, livelihoods and water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH). To meet this objective, the SGFPN provides technical support, coordination, capacity building and knowledge management for gender equality. This strategic approach to building gender equality capacities from within the sectors helps ensure the continuity, accountability and sustainability of gender equality integration into humanitarian response plans and programming.