Evaluations and Lessons Learned

Seeds of hope: Learning from programs for CICL of Cordaid partner organizations

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This publication is a product of Cordaid under its Children’s Program: Linking and Learning Subject that encourages organisations to share experiences, lessons learned, and the challenges they encountered in their programmes.

In April 2008, Cordaid partners raised the need to document their “best practices” in the prevention of children from coming in conflict with the law, in responding to the needs of children in conflict with the law (CICL), and in helping them reintegrate with their families and communities. From this suggestion, Cordaid commissioned the Psychosocial Support and Children’s Rights Center (PST CRRC) to document the aforementioned practices of its partner organisations whose services range from preventive programmes for children in general to programmes for children at risk, and programmes for CICL.

The documentation aims for providers to learn from the experiences of partner organisations in delivering their services to CICL.

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