Shelter and Settlement Strategy for Jordan Syrian Refugee Crisis Shelter Working Group

Jordan, March 2015

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This paper sets the strategic directions for tackling the major shelter and settlement challenges in the context of the Syrian refugee influx to Jordan. As such, the main purpose of this document is to provide strategic guidance to the Shelter Working Group (Shelter WG) and other stakeholders whilst developing shelter and settlement assistance for Syrian refugees in planned camps and for the most vulnerable refugees with dwellings in rural and urban settings. Moreover, the application of the guidance intends to harmonise and standardise shelter and settlement interventions amongst humanitarian actors with the aim to achieve most effective results for the affected population. The strategy reflects the consensus of the Shelter WG and is seen as a process. Thus, it will be periodically reviewed to reflect the evolving context. This strategy is in line with UNHCR’s Global Shelter and Settlement Strategy, 2014-2018.

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