The Syrian Humanitarian Needs Overview 2018 (HNO) estimates that 4.2 million people are in need of Shelter assistance. The Cluster approach is to mitigate the lack of adequate shelter through rehabilitation and repair of damaged or unfinished buildings and conversion of use.
Shelter Actors have already been engaging in repair and rehabilitation across Syria, providing a solid base of experience and lessons learnt from both Northern and Southern Syria. Interventions to date, however, have been ad hoc, with wide variations in quality and methodology.
These Guidelines provide a comprehensive technical standard operating procedure for shelter repair and rehabilitation programmes in Syria. These guidelines are derived from and reviewed by the operational Shelter Actors in North West Syria, to support the further development of this type of programming towards an accountable, equitable and consistent approach.
In a challenging context, the protection of beneficiaries has been central to the guidance developed, taking into account international standards and due diligence guidelines, including on Gender Based Violence (GBV) and Housing Land and Property (HLP). Wherever possible, practical mitigation measures developed in discussion with protection and sector specialists have been integrated, each contributing to accountability towards both affected populations and Programme donors.