presents the 2nd Webinar: Shock-responsive social protection in practice: perspectives from Kenya and Mozambique of the Webinar Series: Shock-Responsive Social Protection Systems, organized by Oxford Policy Management (OPM) in partnership with the Hunger Safety Net Programme (HSNP), Kenya, taking place on Tuesday 23 August, 9:00 - 10:30 (Washington DC, UTC-4).
Following the first webinar by CaLP and OPM in May, where theoretical concepts were presented about how social protection systems and humanitarian interventions might link up, the coming webinar shares practical experiences from two contrasting countries:
- Northern Kenya's cash transfer programme, the HSNP, has a mechanism for extending coverage to support extra households in the event of a drought. This 'emergency payment' mechanism was triggered for the first time in 2015. The webinar will explain its design and offer insights as to how well it's been working.
- Mozambique has a well developed disaster risk management system and an organised process of annual contingency planning for events such as floods and cyclones. Its social protection system, while longstanding, is rather limited in its geographical reach. We ask to what extent it makes sense to try to move some of the burden of responding to emergencies onto the social protection system in this context.