Research and Studies

Socioeconomic and Damage Assessment Report: UNRWA Microfinance Clients in Syria

Report of the Situation in June 2013

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UNRWA microfinance clients in Syria, like the vast majority of people throughout the country, have seen their lives, households and businesses devastated by armed-conflict. In order to gauge how widespread the turmoil of armed-conflict has impacted on the lives, households and enterprises of its clients, UNRWA undertook a field survey in June 2013. The findings provide detailed empirical evidence of the social, economic and humanitarian well-being (or lack thereof) of its clients at this time.

These finding relate to the conditions of clients in four branch office in Damascus and one branch office in Aleppo. While the results cannot be interpreted as providing a general picture of the national situation in Syria, nor of the general situation of people in Damascus and Aleppo, they do provide a straightforward statistical illustration of the suffering that the armed-conflict in Syria has wrought on the clients of UNRWA’s microfinance programme.

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