Research and Studies

SOHS 2026 inception report: Management arrangements

Management arrangements for this edition of the SOHS will be similar to the previous edition, engaging a consortium of consultants with particular expertise in the various components of the Study. The consortium will work in partnership with researchers from the ALNAP Secretariat. The internal and external co-leads will take the lead in writing the final report.

ALNAP and the SOHS consortium of researchers will remain in close contact throughout the research, analysis, writing and dissemination phases of the Report. This will be in the form of (at least) quarterly bilateral check-in meetings between ALNAP researchers and consultants working on specific components, as well as mid-term and final meetings for the consortium to address emerging findings and evidence gaps in the research.

As in previous years, the Study will be supported and guided by a Support and Advisory Group (SAG). Its main function will be to provide guidance and advice on substantive issues and content, primarily though written and verbal comments on the draft report. The research team will prepare a table of comments and responses indicating how comments have been addressed. Where possible, SAG assistance to the in-country research via their country contacts and to dissemination efforts for the practitioner survey and the final report will be welcome.

The ALNAP Steering Committee will also receive regular updates on the Study and be asked to provide advice at key points throughout the process.

ALNAP’s SOHS Research Lead, Senior Programme Manager and Project Manager will coordinate the research study. ALNAP’s Head of Research and Impact will provide strategic advice and lead engagement with the SAG.