Research and Studies

SOHS 2026 inception report: Summary

The ALNAP State of the Humanitarian System (SOHS) report is an independent study that analyses the size and shape of humanitarian action and assesses the overall performance and progress of humanitarian policies and responses over time. This Inception Report describes the aims and scope of research for the sixth edition of the SOHS.

The sixth edition will assess performance over the period January 2022–December 2025. It will also compare its findings with the five previous editions to capture key trends covering a 19-year period.(1) The main objective of the SOHS report remains the same as previous editions: to gather and synthesise evidence to form an overall picture of the international humanitarian system, and indicate how well it is serving the needs of people affected by conflict and crises. As with previous editions, the report will be primarily descriptive and evaluative, rather than prescriptive. As such, it will present findings but not precise recommendations.

The sixth edition will retain core elements of the existing methodology to support meaningful longitudinal comparisons with previous SOHS editions. However, elements of both the structure of the report and the research approach will evolve to maximise its relevance and usefulness for contemporary humanitarian policy makers and practitioners. This Inception Report outlines those key continuities and alterations, which are summarised in Box 1. It also presents a draft research framework and provides a detailed description of each of the research components. Finally, it presents the timeline and management arrangements for the completion of the final report and initial considerations for communicating and supporting uptake of its findings.

Box 1: Summary of key continuities and alterations for the sixth edition

Aim and scope


  • A focus on describing the size and shape of the humanitarian system and assessing its performance over time
  • The longitudinal assessment of the OECD criteria in a concluding table and the focus on policy relevant chapter questions to structure the research framework (as adopted in the fifth edition)
  • A focus on the international humanitarian system as the core unit of study


  • Introduction of contemporary framing performance questions deemed pertinent to the specific challenges of the operating environment facing humanitarians in this study period. The questions will be drawn from the descriptive opening section of the report and will be answered by drawing together relevant findings to facilitate contemporary policy and practice relevant conclusions alongside the longitudinal view of system performance
  • Deepened exploration of the connections between the humanitarian system and development and peace actors, and between the international system and locally led humanitarian action

Research approach and methodology


  • Use of the regular core research components
  • Commissioning some choice original thematic studies (introduced in the fifth edition)
  • Engagement of crisis affected people to inform research from design phase onward (introduced in the fifth edition)


  • A proactive and iterative approach to chapter drafting and data gathering led by co-leads through KIIs and literature reviews alongside the implementation of the standard research components
  • Increased diversification of perspectives throughout the design, research and writing cycle
  • More equitable engagement with local researcher partners and the production of country specific outputs to accompany the global report
  • Reduced number of original thematic studies commissioned beyond the standard research components to enable a stronger examination of those chosen themes