A joint FAO/WFP Crop and Food Security Mission (CFSAM) visited the Syrian Arab Republic between 11 and 31 May 2015 to gather information on agriculture; food, livelihoods and agricultural needs; local food market conditions; and household food security.
Information was collected in government-held areas through interviews with various governmental departments, farmers, horticultural producers and livestock owners as well as IDPs and food aid recipients. The Mission also visited markets and inspected sample cereal fields and greenhouses. The mission gathered information on current crop and livestock production levels and food-access issues; the effectiveness of food aid; and IDP's general welfare and their coping mechanisms. While the Mission did not visit opposition-controlled areas, information on agricultural and livestock production and access to food was collected by field-monitor teams consisting of both MAAR and national FAO staff. Information regarding agricultural production and food access in opposition-held areas was also gathered from secondary sources in Gaziantep, Turkey and Amman, Jordan.
Other sources of information used by the Mission in its assessment included:
- Vegetation-related satellite imagery (NDVI and ASIS).
- Records and reports from MAAR and the Central Bureau of Statistics.
- Reports published by UN and other agencies over the previous 12 months.