Research and Studies

SSHAP Roundtable: 2021 Ebola Outbreak in Guinea

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SSHAP convened a virtual roundtable of expert advisors on Friday 12 March 2021 to discuss the outbreak of Ebola in Guinea declared on 14 February 2021. At the time of writing (19 March 2021), there have been 18 cases (14 confirmed, 4 probable), 9 deaths (including 5 in the community; CFR 50%) and 6 recoveries. Six of the 7 first cases identified were from the family of the first case, a 51-year-old nurse from Gouecke who died in N’Zérékoré on 28 January. Vaccination was launched on 23 February, and as of 17 March, 3,492 people had been vaccinated. The last new case was reported on 4 March 2021.

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