Standard operating procedures (SOPs) are recognized as international best practice during an emergency humanitarian action to boost coordination and quality of gender-based violence (GBV) prevention and response interventions. Developing SOPs in an emergency setting has proven to be essential to promote coordination in service delivery and to boost coordination and enhance the quality of GBV programming for both response and prevention.
This document describes minimum actions to be taken to respect international standards and a survivorcentered approach in caring for GBV survivors within the Syrian humanitarian response. It outlines the guiding principles, procedures, and roles and responsibilities of all actors for the response to and prevention of GBV in this context. By setting out minimum standards to ensure quality, coordination and coherence among organizations and actors, these SOPs aim to facilitate joint action by all actors to respond to, prevent and mitigate GBV within the Syrian humanitarian response, and to improve services offered to GBV survivors and all individuals exposed to GBV.