Global Communities’ response to the Ebola outbreak has been publicly highlighted by President Obama, Dr. Rajiv Shah, former USAID Administrator, Jeremy Konyndyk, Director, USAID Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA), and many others as having been a key component in the successful fight against Ebola in Liberia in the 2014-15 outbreak (see pages 36-38). This publication therefore has two strands: 1. Describing Global Communities’ response to the Ebola outbreak in Liberia 2. Deriving from this experience lessons learned and recommendations for preventing and dealing with future disasters This publication describes the process of adaptation, collaboration and partnership which helped the response to be successful, detailing the challenges along the way that led to further adaptation.
Resource collections
- Coordination
- COVID-19 Response Collection
- Evaluating humanitarian action
- Learning from crises
- Locally led humanitarian action
- Monitoring of humanitarian action
- Topics
- UN Habitat - Urban Response Collection
- Urban Response - Urban Crisis Preparedness and Risk Reduction
- Urban Response Collection - Community Engagement and Social Cohesion
- Urban Response Collection - Economic Recovery
- Urban Response Collection - Environment and Climate Change
- Urban Response Collection - Housing, Land and Property
- Urban Response Collection - Urban Crisis Response, Recovery and Reconstruction
- Urban Response Collection - Urban Resilience