Guidance and Tools

Strengthening Climate Change in Urban Education Cities and Climate Change Academy (CCCA) Global Workshop

Bonn, 1-2 June 2011

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The global workshop entitled, Strengthening climate change in urban education: Cities and Climate Change Academy was held in Bonn, 1-2 June 2011, ahead of the ICLEI World Congress on cities and adaptation to climate change 2011. It drew 34 participants representing planning universities from around the world.

The objectives of the workshop were: ? To exchange experiences on how to strengthen education on climate change and cities at university level; ? to reach a common understanding on how to develop generic course material for the Cities and Climate Change Academy; ? to agree on priority topics for the development of initial courses; ? to agree on partnerships (including universities from the North and South) for the development of selected courses, and ? to agree on a road map for 2011/2012.

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