Evaluations and Lessons Learned

‘Striking the Balance’ Managing for Risk in Complex Crises

Evaluation brief managing for risk in complex crises norad png

Risk is a critical issue in humanitarian action. As part of its commitment to ensuring learning from, and accountability for, Norwegian development assistance, Norad commissioned an independent evaluation of the planning, management and organisation of Norway’s Official Development Assistance (ODA) to the Syria regional crisis. The evaluation explored – among other questions - how Norway’s aid management system supports Norwegian funding to identify, manage and mitigate risk.

The evaluation explicitly was not tasked to assess results of the assistance. Rather, it was asked to focus on the systems and processes in place to respond to the crisis – so that the Norwegian aid management system can learn from experience, and make any required adjustments.

What can be learned from this evaluation and other evidence for how Norway addresses risk in its assistance to future complex crises, including but beyond Syria? This Evaluation Brief provides some lessons and proposals for the future.

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