Research and Studies

Study on Adequate Urban Housing for Refugees in Thessaloniki, Greece

Adequate housing study report etc 18 11 2016 final png

With support from the European Commission for Humanitarian Assistance, the Norwegian Refugee Council recently started an urban housing programme for the most vulnerable among refugees and migrants in northern Greece. Thousands of children, women and men remain in sites that are not habitable and NRC and partners are working to ensure that those most in need can move into adequate urban housing. The project has three main areas

  • Identification of appropriate buildings for accommodation
  • Identification and selection of vulnerable beneficiaries
  • Access to services in urban areas

A consultancy team [ETC] conducted research on the current context and existing strategies in the Thessaloniki area; an urban analysis on the current housing market and housing availability, and also provided recommendation for project implementation, such as targeting of beneficiaries and vulnerability criteria, as well as how to collaborate with existing initiatives and avoiding overlap.

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