This report provides a summary of the key findings from McGovern-Dole evaluations conducted in the Asia/Pacific region between 2013 and 2018. By reviewing evaluation findings using a common analytical framework, WFP's Regional Bureau Bangkok aimed to provide country offices with insights on the strengths and weaknesses of the McGovern-Dole approach to school feeding and highlight regional learning.
The study answers the following questions:
- Have McGovern-Dole funded school feeding programmes achieved their objectives to improve literacy, and increase the use of health and dietary practices during the time period 2013-2018?
- Have McGovern-Dole funded school feeding programmes in the Asia/Pacific region enabled governments to successfully transition to nationally-owned school feeding programmes during the time period 2013-2018?
- What are the factors that positively or negatively influenced the ability of the programmes to reach their objectives?