This evaluation was conducted at the request of WFP’s regional bureau, in order to ensure that sufficient light was shed on the differences between WFP’s responses to the crises in Niger in 2010 and in 2005, to ascertain whether responses were improving and if lessons had been learned. Because Niger and other countries in the Sahel experience repeated hardships, it is particularly important to draw lessons from the responses. The evaluation focuses on the emergency operation, but covers those parts of the protracted relief and recovery operation that funded initial response activities. It was conducted for purposes of accountability and learning, and addressed questions of relevance and coherence, performance and results, and an analysis of factors that explain these results. The evaluation determined that there was no question about the rationale for this operation, given the severe crisis in Niger: by April 2010, 48 percent of the population was food-insecure and 22 percent was severely food-insecure.