Summary Evaluation Report-Uganda Country Portfolio (2009-2013)

This country portfolio evaluation covered WFP’s portfolio in Uganda from 2009 to 2013 under the 2009–2014 country strategy and assessed: i) alignment and strategic positioning; ii) quality of and factors driving strategic decision-making; iii) performance and results; and iv) appropriateness and added value of the country strategy. The evaluation found that WFP set an appropriate strategic direction and that activities closely aligned with Uganda’s priorities and policies, as well as needs of vulnerable communities. The portfolio’s shift from emergency towards development was appropriate and the country strategy built on WFP’s strengths in linking relief and development and operating at scale. Work benefiting small-scale traders showed potential. Implementation was however not as coherent as the strategy, with: weak tracking of results and reporting mainly at input/output levels; poor attention to the quality of assets created; inadequate addressing of gender and protection; missed opportunities for strategic partnerships; and consistent shortfalls in deliveries against plans. The evaluation makes recommendations regarding WFP’s positioning; sustainability; the development of the next country strategy; the quality and performance of resilience, agriculture and market support activities and general food distributions; and staff capacity development on gender and protection issues.

Resource collection